Fertility Basics...
Below are our articles on the subject of Fertility Basics. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Boosting Your Fertility
Discover practical ways of boosting your fertility and increasing your chances of conceiving....

Cervical Mucus: A Good Fertility Indicator?
The consistency of cervical mucus changes throughout the menstrual cycle and alters perceptibly at the time of ovulation. By examining your own cervical mucus you can…...

Do Ovulation Calculators Work?
Ovulation calculators and calendars are widely available online. They can be accurate for women with a regular menstrual cycle - but you need to know their limitations....

Fertility and Age
Theoretically, a woman has the potential of becoming fertile, up until menopause, but in reality the potential to become pregnant begins to decline after the age of…...

Fertility and Your Lifestyle
Find out what weird and wonderful lifestyle choices could be affecting your fertility....

Fertility Facts
The process of achieving fertilisation can be complex and confusing. Both the male and female characteristics can influence this process. However by understanding…...

Fertility Myths
A lot of myths surround the issue of fertility. Find out what’s true and what’s not!...

Increasing Your Chances of Conceiving
Find out how you could increase your chances of conceiving...

Natural Family Planning
Natural family planning and fertility awareness are similar natural forms of birth control, which are fairly effective in controlling pregnancy. However, only Natural…...

Ovulation Tests
The complex interaction between reproductive hormones and various sex organs helps facilitate the miracle of life. For women who desire pregnancy and those looking to…...

Preparing Your Body for a Baby
Pregnancy is a tremendous undertaking, both physically and mentally. Through the course of nine months the expecting mother must endure physical and emotional changes.…...

The Ultimate Male Contraceptive?
A male contraceptive has been a goal for science for more than half a century. New studies funded by the Gates Foundation now look set to reveal whether ultrasound to…...

When to Worry About Your Fertility
Certain medical conditions, maternal age, lifestyle practices, and chemo-radiation therapy can drastically affect fertility and may be a cause for concern. Such issues…...